Oregon Firearm Safety Training School LLC

  Concealed Carry Classes - Certifications: Oregon $35, Utah $35, Arizona $35 & Florida $35

Carl A. Pfeiffer NRA Certified Firearms Instructor


​​​​​Carl A. Pfeiffer  NRA Certified Firearms Instructor has 45+ years shooting and safe handling experience, with a firm commitment to firearm education. He has the necessary expertise, knowledge, skills and dedication to help train shooters how to exercise their freedoms safely and responsibly. Carl A. Pfeiffer NRA Certified Instructor Discipline Ratings: (7)

NRA Certified Pistol Instructor

NRA Certified Home Firearm Safety Instructor

NRA Certified Personal Protection In The Home Instructor

NRA Certified Refuse To Be A Victim Instructor

​NRA Certified Metallic Cartridge Reloading Instructor

NRA Certified Shotgun Reloading Instructor

NRA Certified Range Safety Officer

Carl A. Pfeiffer is also a Utah Certified Concealed Firearms Instructor.

(State of Utah Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Identification.)


     Prominent Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer in Klamath Falls, Oregon. 

NRA Certified Firearms Instructor with weekly,  

Handgun Safety Training Classes.

NRA member with 7 NRA Certified Instructor ratings

plus NRA Certified Range Safety Officer.  

    God Bless the United States of America and God Bless the Veterans

and all those who have served in the Military to keep our great Nation free,

we cannot do enough for these Heros.

     Carl A. Pfeiffer

     Oregon Firearm Safety

     Training School LLC

     1905 Oregon Ave

     Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601

     Phone/Text: 541-884-2828

     E-mail: capfeiffer@ymail.com

     Web: www.ConcealCarryGunClass.com

PS: Regarding Gun Control:

Use two hands to hold the handgun steady while firing

and remember the old saying:

They will get my guns, when they pry them from my cold dead fingers!

Western Trivia!

If you lived in the Oregon old west days, would you have gone into a Gun Fight without a Gun?

If so, you probably would have been eliminated.

Let Carl A. Pfeiffer be your Hired Gun he will teach you how to shoot.

As a western buff, I always enjoyed this John Wayne quote:

I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on,

I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them.

Disclaimer: This is not an official NRA Website!

2025                        Oregon Firearm Safety Training School LLC                      All rights reserved.

PS: The United States Supreme Court has decided a militia can be 1 person.